The Story Starts Like This…
It’s 1995. British stage director Victor Kazan walks into the Prince of Wales pub in Drury Lane, seeking out the musical director of the London production of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s CATS, playing just up the road at the New London Theatre (now the Gillian Lynn Theatre).
So begins a writing partnership of 27 years and counting. Four musicals later, with a 5th musical on the drawing board, Australia’s most experienced and successful musical theatre writing team is about to change the way new musicals are seen and heard.
It’s a secret going to be shared around Thanksgiving, November 2022, in New York and then…well, everywhere!
Writing timeless-sounding songs with contagious melodies and perceptive lyrics, Kazan & Purcell seamlessly mix pop, classical and cinematic sounds into beautifully-crafted ‘stories’ that are utterly captivating for audiences everywhere.

At Work in New York
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“The Stranger From Seville…brings alive a place and its people as few musicals these days, particularly at NYMF, are able to manage. It’s in many ways…dazzling.”
Matthew Murray, Talkinbroadway.com
“Kevin Purcell and Victor Kazan’s The Stranger From Seville has a lot going for it: …featuring a score of vibrant flamenco music…has the premise of a truly great romantic musical.”